Deer and Bull Dream
I was in a storm cellar with a friend. I had a sense it wasn't safe to go outside, but I also felt it was necessary to scout out the area. As I was making my way to the door, I saw a book about deer and survival. I grabbed the book and climbed up the stairs and into the night. I told my friend to keep the doors locked until I returned.
Next scene: I wanted to go shopping for shoes. My friend found a dress sandal with a heel and told me I could borrow them. They were classy, with a little bling and sparkle, but not in a cheap way. I liked them, but I had something else in mind at another store. I preferred something more practical.
Next scene: I was taking a technology class and the assignment was to upload a Biblically-based message, ensuring there was a hyperlink to the main site. I thought I should write about bulls.
I didn’t know where to begin. When I started to search the internet for a picture, I glanced over to the window and walked over. It was overlooking a field. As I stood there, some of my classmates joined me. It was dark outside and the only thing we could make out was a fence surrounding the property. I had the same sense I did with the deer that there was something in the field and I needed to check it out. I decided to brave it.
I stood facing the fence, turned left, and walked along the fence line. When I got to the end I took a right. There was a small opening with no gate. I stepped through the opening and into the field. I saw shadows and I turned on the light on my phone to see what was in the shadows. Two bulls came rushing at me. I quickly turned and ran; fearful they would follow me. They didn’t.
I returned to the classroom to complete my assignment. I looked at an electronic board, which was similar to an airport travel board listing arrivals and departures. I was in slot three. The person in slot two chose to do their story on David and Goliath (I Samuel 17 and I Samuel 18). The person in slot number one was writing on the life of Jonah. I realized what I had just experienced could be used for the assignment.
End of dream
October 24, 2016
This dream is a prophetic confirmation and promise pertaining to my role in the kingdom of God, however, there are scenes with which the body of Christ can glean wisdom from. This is a bit long, therefore, I’ll give a quick summary and the detailed interpretation will follow.
Psalms is a beautiful, poetic book of the Bible. One analogy symbolizes that we can have the agility and grace of a deer. When we know the Word, and wear the shoes of God’s peace, we can face the unknown and be confident that God will bless our sacrifice. When God says to get up, he will provide what is needed to accomplish his purpose through us. When we rely on God and obey his word, we are in his classroom and he will provide ways for us to nurture our spiritual gifts and expand our influence for the kingdom of God. A fence sets up boundaries, but God’s love and his ways have no boundaries. Like a deer, we can leap over fences effortlessly and it is God who clears the path he wants us to take.
To gaze upon the grandeur of a deer, leaping with little effort, is pure beauty. “The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights” (Habakkuk 3:19). 2 Samuel 22:34 states “enabling me to stand on mountain heights.”
The Word is represented by the book on survival and it is God’s spirit that gives us confidence to step into the unknown (going outside). Make the Word of God your number one resource.
“Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.” Luke 1:78-79
There are different shoes, for different occasions, in the same way there are different spiritual gifts for each of us. It’s important we operate in our God-given, spiritual gifts. (Spiritual gifts listed in I Corinthians 12:1-31 Don’t wear somebody else's “spiritual shoes,” no matter how beautiful they are. Ephesians 6:15
I was in the right place (technology class) to nurture my spiritual calling (writer/blogger). I knew what I needed to write about (God directs), but I didn’t know where to begin. Whatever God calls us to, we can be certain he’ll give us step-by-step instructions. “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21
For God to direct, I had to take action, represented by me walking to the window. The three Biblical topics on the flight board confirmed this is a spiritual message.
Photo by Hugo Areal
The positive view of bulls in the Bible represent sacrifice. When an offering was offered to the Lord in the temple, the presence of God filled the atmosphere. “The Shekinah glory of God has come to live among His people (Exodus 40:34 and in the temple, I Kings 8:10-11). What I do for God is my offering, my sacrifice, to glorify His great name.
In this instance, the bull represented spiritual warfare. I mustn’t allow fear of what God wants to do through me to hinder his calling in my life. In Christ, I can be as “strong as a bull” and as graceful as a deer. “As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.” Psalm 42:1
When I returned to the classroom my testimony of what to write about came from my experience.
Picture yourself in these scenes and use it as a guide to pray for God's direction. Make it your own.
·I give thanks and praise for your Word that teaches me how to live a Spirit-filled, Spirit-directed life.
·Show me if and when I’m trying to operate in the spiritual gifts of others and “wearing somebody else’s shoes?”
·Open the windows of my heart to see what fields you are leading me to.
·Give me the strength to take risk for you. Show me when I’m sitting “on the fence.”
·Give me guidance how to nurture my spiritual gifts. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 (In this dream, the mission to spread the gospel was represented by the web link and flight board – “go into all the world.”)
·I will listen for your voice and do what you are telling me to do. Give me a heart that isn’t resistant or reluctant to follow new paths for you. Amen.”
When God leads us towards uncertainty, it is called faith.
Be strong as a bull and surefooted as a deer!
Enjoy the grandeur and grace of God’s holy presence and go boldly for Jesus!
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8