Muslim's Find Jesus Through Dreams and Visions — Teresa Odden

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Muslim's Find Jesus Through Dreams and Visions

Muslim's Find Jesus Through Dreams and Visions

Take time to listen Nabeel Qureshi’s powerful testimony. You can also read his story in Seeking Allah Finding Jesus and why he left Islam after comparing the teachings in the Quran with the life of Jesus of the Bible. 

Side note: At the bottom of this posts I have uploaded a recent Vlog from Mr. Qureshi regarding his battle with cancer and a dream where he saw Jesus. His dream was in answer to his prayers. It’s lovely, comforting, cute, profound. Friends, let's pray together for his healing.

His testimony, and that of thousands of Muslims, is reason enough for Christians to understand that God is speaking through dreams and visions. Mr. Qureshi shares that Muslims earnestly seek to hear God through dreams and visions because they don't believe they can hear revelatory messages from God. 

Muslims have a special prayer called salat estacada asking for dreams and visions. He states that they are prepared to hear God supernaturally and that, "supernatural revelation in the Middle East is bringing people to Christ.” Dreams and visions are guiding, directing, and bringing salvation to the lost.

Open Doors highlights that Muslims are coming to Jesus in unprecedented numbers. 

“The life of this family was and is still hard, but recently they found light in their life. “About three months ago, I was given a vision of Jesus Christ,” Rasha shares. “I was sleeping and all of a sudden I saw Jesus Christ in white. He said ‘I am Christ. You will have a beautiful daughter.’ I was eight months pregnant, and a month later we received our beautiful daughter.” At about the same time the husband had a dream, too. “I saw Jesus Christ. He was dressed in white. He said to me ‘I am your Savior. You will follow me.’" Both Amir and Rasha made a bold decision after these dreams. ‘We decided to follow Him.’ ‘Our clan is very big; we’re afraid now. They might kill us,’ says Rasha.” (Jannele P., October 18, 2016)

I can’t imagine a person risking their life for Jesus from a dream unless they knew with certainty what they saw and heard was God Himself. They knew it wasn’t just a dream, but a God-dream. “Whoever finds me, finds life and receives favor from the Lord.” Proverbs 8:35

Additional promises from the Bible of God’s free gift of salvation: John 3:16; John 10:28-30; Romans 5:15; Romans 6:23, Romans 8:32; 2 Corinthians 9:15; Ephesians 2:8; I John 5:13.

I’ve listed a few articles below with some testimonies of Muslims turning to Christ after hearing and seeing Jesus in a dream or vision. We must learn to hear the voice of God during the day so we don't miss what God is saying in the night. Believers must know the Word, hear God for themselves, and be equipped and ready to share the gospel.

Charisma News How God Is Moving With Dreams and Visions in the Muslim World: “As literate, believing Christians, we don't need dreams and visions," Coleman said. "We have the written Word. But so many of these people who have a dream or a vision or a supernatural experience have never read the Word. So it's very important that we take them to the Word of God."

Visions of Jesus Stir Muslim Hearts and Video: “We receive lots of letters about people who have had dreams about the Lord, visions, even miracles,” Shaheen said. “When they watch the program, they say yes, we had a dream or a vision, and they accept Jesus as Lord’." “Many say a supernatural dimension is at work throughout the Islamic world…”

How God Is Moving With Dreams and Visions in the Muslim World: “"As literate, believing Christians, we don't need dreams and visions," Coleman said. "We have the written Word. But so many of these people who have a dream or a vision or a supernatural experience have never read the Word. So it's very important that we take them to the Word of God."

I pray that God is doing the same in all nations and those from different religions. There are people I've witnessed to for years and there's no change in their hearts. I am believing that God will speak to them through their dreams and visions to show them the only way to Heaven is through Jesus.

Listen for God’s Voice post provides a few tips how you can learn to hear God’s voice.

Despite your circumstances, do not fear, but keep trusting and have faith.

"More discussion about my side effects from radiation, which have been getting pretty difficult to handle. Also, what I learned from my recent encounter with Jesus in a dream."

Update: On September 16, 2017,  at the age of 34, Nabeel lost a yearlong battle with stomach cancer. He is now with Jesus, his master and Lord.

When Words Are Released

When Words Are Released

Is it Biblical to share dreams & visions? Part Two

Is it Biblical to share dreams & visions? Part Two