Dreaming About Someone Else
“Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God’s law.”
I've had dreams where I discerned they were for others. When this happens I ask God the same questions: “What do I do with this dream?” Should I share this dream?” “If so, how do I know when to share it?”
One time I shared a prophetic dream with friends too early. I saw a series of three events unfolding in their life. It was past, present, and future. Two of the three came to pass, but the third had not. I shared my dream with them thinking it would be an encouragement. They dismissed it because it seemed so far fetched from reality.
I realized later the third scene was not literal as I had presented it. This one scene in the dream was a symbolic look into the overflow of the heart. If I had kept this close to my heart, interceded specifically by what God had described in the dream, it may have brought the comfort it was intended for. In the end, my job was to pray strategically for the situations they were experiencing.
From that day forward, I knew they wouldn't take what I felt God impressed upon my heart with credibility. It was a difficult lesson about sharing my dreams too early and the importance of not sharing them at all.
Over time God has taught me that most often dreams of others are meant to remain close to my heart. When I take time to pray for understanding I have a responsibility to intercede as God leads. How I pray comes from the details in the dream.
If I continue wondering if I should share the dream, I don't share it. I wait patiently and prayerfully for total clarity and peace from God.
If God trusts me enough to reveal the secrets of His heart, I must handle them with care and caution. Some times the only thing needed is to intercede on their behalf. We must learn to pause and pray.
Lessons I’ve learned and things to consider when dreaming of others:
- Pray: Pray until God makes it very clear to do anything else. Most often our prayers are enough. I don't want to hurt those I love by operating apart from God. Ephesians 6:18
- Rely on the Word of God: If and when God gives total clarity to share a dream, ensure you have scripture to back up His Word. Our words should complement the Word of God. Don't operate on what you think God said. Operate on what you know is of God and in the Bible. Psalm 119:105
- Function with the help and power of the Holy Spirit: Luke 1:67 “His father Zachariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied.” Numbers 11:29, Numbers 22:38
- Encourage: Prophetic words are to bring comfort, encouragement, or strength. God's word convicts us, but it does not condemn us. I Corinthians 14:3, I Corinthians 14:25
- Speak in love: Ephesians 4:15, James 3:17
- Evaluate how you felt after you shared the dream: Did you walk away content, peaceful, and with a feeling of completion? Or, were you nervous, worried, etc.? When I operate on my own, my spirit is unsettled and I catch myself questioning what I said. When I rely fully on God, I walk away in peace. When I know I’ve done what God asked me to, I rarely question what I've said. When I obey God's directives, there is peace.
- If I didn’t convey God's word with eloquent speech, I can trust God will do the rest. The point is to convey God's message, not our own. Isaiah 55:8-11
“It is God’s privilege to conceal things and the king’s privilege to discover them.”
"And if, dear friends of mine, when we realize this, our hearts no longer accuse us, we may have the utmost confidence in God’s presence. We receive whatever we ask for, because we are obeying his orders and following his plans. His orders are that we should put our trust in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another—as we used to hear him say in person." I John 3:22-23 (PHILLIPS)
Proverbs 25:2 Psalm 68:19, Ephesians 1:3
Share the lessons you've learned when a dream was for another person. How did you rely on the Holy Spirit to know whether or not to keep the dream close to your heart and/or share it.
Read Cup Overflowing Dream from my sister. The first scene portrayed encouragement and excitement walking in the presence and overflow of the Holy. The second scene, however, was meant as a way for Cindy to pray strategically for a friend who had stopped attending church. Take time to recognize the different scenes and purpose within this dream. For the reader, names aren't important.