Teresa Odden

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Worshiping To Hear God's Voice

God’s Voice, God’s Will, God’s Way ends by asking if you still find it difficult to hear God’s voice? Do you continue to wonder how you can know God’s will with certainty? A reminder that God wouldn't tell us to persevere doing His will if we can’t determine what His will is. Hebrews 10:36

There are no shortcuts to knowing God. We must be people who take time to read the Bible and pray. There’s a lack of both to those I’ve talked with who are continually wandering and wondering what God’s will is for their lives.

Every verse you read is God’s voice. If you don’t read the Word, I believe you will continue to question what God wants for your life. We know God through His Word.

I pray as I read the Word. I ask God to teach me something new while I read. I ask God questions while I read the Bible. Asking is praying.

You’ll discover with most of my post when I hear God it’s primarily through the Word and praying. I know God’s voice in visions because I know His voice through the day. I know a dream in the night is from God because I know His voice during the day.

If you missed Listen For God’s Voice I recommend that you read it before proceeding. It’s a focus on recognizing phrases in the Bible that confirm we can hear God: “The Lord said.” “God said.” “I will.” When I repeat these simple phrases, there’s a stirring in my soul.

God guides and teaches us how to press in and “feel His heartbeat” and hear His gentle voice. I find that to enter into His presence and hear Him with clarity includes what the monk, Brother Lawrence called, “practicing the presence of God.”

To enter into God’s presence is to acknowledge who He is through our worship. When God’s presence fills the atmosphere, He fills us, and we hear His voice.

I copied from my journal below what God flooded my heart with one morning. A spontaneous stirring of God’s spirit flooded my soul and I could do nothing but worship Him. I typed as fast as I could.

I couldn't stop expressing my adoration and praise to my heavenly Father. This was my worship on this particular morning and how I ended my morning devotions.  If you want to enter into God's presence in a fresh way, I encourage you to speak these words out loud and with an attitude of reverence to God. 

You have said, “you would be glorified.”

You have said, “the world will see your majesty.”

You have said, “kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall.”

You have said, “you go before me.”

You have said, “you precede and follow me”

You have said, “you give generously.”

You have said, “you will do more than we comprehend.”

You have said, “I’m wonderfully and beautifully made.”

You have said, “you will do immeasurable more than I can imagine.”

You have said, “you are the alpha and the omega. Beginning and the end.”

You have said, “you are infinite.”

You have said, “I could never behold all of your glory.”

You have said, “you’re brilliant.”

You have said, “I could see you anew every day and I would still not comprehend your being.”

You have said, “to not limit you.”

You have said, “you’re endless.”

You have said, “ask for forgiveness for limiting you.”

You have said, “you would give me words and wisdom.”

You have said, “when we ask for wisdom you give it generously.”

You have said, “we’re to seek wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.”

You have said, “those who ask, seek, find.”

You have said, “I’m precious.”

You have said, “I’m your child.”

You have said, ”you’ll give words when there are no words to form.”

You have said, "you’ll give it when I need it.”

You have said, “you’re a good father, loving, kind, generous in all you do.”

You have said, “I am yours!”

You have said, “your ways are perfect.”

You have said, “to be strong and courageous.”

You have said, “to wait in your presence.”

You have said, “to seek you and those who seek you find you.”

You have said, “do the work.”

You have said, “don’t be discouraged.”

You have said, “it doesn’t matter the size of the task.”

You have said, “you are my Lord and my God.”

You have said, “we will not fail, because you don’t fail us.”

You have said, “you grant creativity and all kinds of skills.”

You have said, “others will volunteer and help.”

You have said, “all I need is you.”

You have said, "you are King of Kings, Lord."

You have said ...

To make progress for God’s kingdom and what’s of eternal value, you must know Him.

Worship God. Talk to God. Read about God.

Adore God and in the process you’ll know His will.


“I’m so grateful to Christ Jesus for making me adequate to do this work. He went out on a limb, you know, in trusting me with this ministry.  But I was treated mercifully because I didn’t know what I was doing ... And all because of Jesus. Here’s a word you can take to heart and depend on: Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. I’m proof—Public Sinner Number One—of someone who could never have made it apart from sheer mercy. And now he shows me off—evidence of his endless patience—to those who are right on the edge of trusting him forever. Deep honor and bright glory to the King of All Time— One God, Immortal, Invisible, ever and always. Oh, yes! I’m passing this work on to you, my son Timothy. The prophetic word that was directed to you prepared us for this. All those prayers are coming together now so you will do this well, fearless in your struggle, keeping a firm grip on your faith and on yourself. After all, this is a fight we’re in.” I Timothy 1:12-14