Ndebele Woman Dream
It was the second time in a week God grabbed my attention and asked me to toss an object from my home. Earlier in the week, he awakened my spirit to pitch three books. A few days later, it was a Ndebele doll from South Africa.
The company I used to work for provided fellowship grants in five southern African countries. The doll was a gift from a lovely South African woman who became a dear friend. We lost touch over the years, but her precious gift sat on my desk until I retired in 2011.
This doll and the other belongings we left behind were put into long-term storage when Rick and I moved to Germany. When we returned to the states in 2017, the doll was unpacked and placed on a shelf in Rick’s home office.
It was during prayer in 2018 that the Ndebele doll came to memory. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me, “Throw it away.” “I’ll do it later,” I thought and I carried on with my morning routine of prayer and worship.
“When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths” I Corinthians 2:13
I ended my time in prayer with the usual, “What’s next, Lord?” “What do you want me to do with the blog today?”
I opened several documents and nothing felt right. I continued to search my computer and went as far back as 2012. I opened a folder and there before me was a dream titled “Ndebele Doll Dream 2012.” Without even having to open the document, God was shouting ”Get rid of the doll.” He had my attention.
Ndebele Woman Dream - August 1, 2012
First scene in the dream:
I was sitting in a circle with a group of women in my living room. We were selling a variety of dolls and jewelry from southern African countries, as well as some pastel, knitted kids’ clothing you might find in the United States. I was holding a baby girl. The mother reached over and began adorning the baby with jewelry.
While we were engaged in conversation, an African woman suddenly appeared at my door and began peering in. She was clothed from head to toe in traditional African dress, similar to a Ndebele doll; wearing the same jewelry we were selling. She didn’t say anything, but I knew she wanted in.
The moment she appeared, an evil presence engulfed the room and the baby’s demeanor changed and she began crying. The woman at the door had imparted an evil presence and the baby froze when the atmosphere in the room changed. The mother of the baby attended to her crying daughter as any mother would do, but I was the only one aware of this African woman’s presence and this overwhelming, powerful, unsettling presence.
I walked to the door, looked the woman in the face, said nothing, made sure the door was locked and closed it.
Second scene in the dream:
The following day I had another group of women over. I told Rick to get rid of the dolls and the jewelry because they were demonic. I told him we can only keep the pastel items that weren’t from Africa because they caused no harm.
I explained the history of Zulu worship and other forms of sacrifices and that we can’t allow these things into our home. “We don’t know what they are bringing into our home,” I said.
End of Dream
This prayerful morning in 2018 brings full circle the meaning and purpose of this dream in 2012. I wasn’t going to chuck it off as coincidence. God was making sure I got the message. I was listening.
There is no denying God was asking me to do something and for a specific reason. God took an ordinary morning, spoke a gentle word to throw something away, and brought to light a past dream that was specific to this doll.
I jumped up from my desk to tell Rick what God was doing, and his immediate response was to pray the blood of Jesus over the doll. “There’s no demonic oppression or power unless we give it,” Rick said.
True, but why would God ask me to get rid of a doll if it has no power?
As we stood there deciding whether or not to toss it, a heaviness overtook me. I told Rick “even as we speak about this there’s a spiritual presence, an uncomfortableness changing in the atmosphere. A heaviness, an evil presence.”
The Bible describes what we are up against in the supernatural realm and this was the presence I was experiencing: “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12
I journaled the following when I had the dream:
Journal entry August 1, 2012
Overall, God is revealing an increase to discern the spiritual realm around me. And this includes the presence of evil and the demonic. [I was the only one in the room who discerned and saw the woman at the door in the dream and her intentions in the dream.] I need to pray the blood of the Jesus over my home and the things people come in and touch. Don’t miss anything. Don’t ignore what God is warning me about.
It wasn’t until that morning in 2018 that I looked up what the Ndebele doll represents. It was clear why God was telling me to do something specific.
In African culture, "they are usually not children's playthings, but rather objects that are laden with ritual and religious associations within the community. African dolls are used to teach, and entertain. They are supernatural intermediaries and they are manipulated for ritual purposes. The dolls are believed to have supernatural magic powers. " Wikipedia.
“So Jacob told everyone in his household, “Get rid of all your pagan idols, purify yourselves, and put on clean clothing.” Genesis 35:2
The miracle of the dream in 2012 and God’s instructions in 2018:
Sudden thought: I wasn’t thinking about a doll when I had the thought of the Ndebele doll. When thoughts like this suddenly pop in your head, ask yourself what made you think this. If it’s something that represents the devil, he wouldn’t nudge you to get rid of it. It’s a good time to say, “what, Lord?”
Silent voice of God: God whispered in my ear, “get rid of the doll.” It can be easy to miss the voice of God when he speaks suddenly and in ways that appear commonplace. “Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.” Isaiah 30:21
No accidents: I didn’t just “stumble” on a document in 2018 that I wrote six years ago (August 1, 2012). When a highly improbable event occurs, it isn’t a coincidence. It’s God. “You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. You go before me and follow me.” Psalm 139:4-5
Obedience: The dream and God’s instructions reinforced the importance to carefully obey the voice of God. “Jesus replied, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.” Luke 11:28
Answered prayer. Give God thanks for these unexpected, astonishing moments in your life. Giving God glory draws you closer to him and you will hear his voice more clearly. God answered my simple prayer, “what’s next, Lord,” immediately and in an unexpected, astonishing way. What was hidden in my journals for six years God brought to the surface.
Rick and I don’t worship idols, nor have we worshipped this doll. Regardless, God was saying, “Get rid of it.”
“Stay away from every kind of evil.” I Thessalonians 5:22
Next steps:
What trinkets have you brought into your home from your travels?Ask the Lord to reveal anything in your home that you should get rid of. “So they gave Jacob all their pagan idols and earrings, and he buried them under the great tree near Shechem.” Genesis 35:4
If you sense a demonic presence in your home, pray the blood of Jesus over your household. “The blood will serve as a sign on the houses where you live. When I see the blood I will pass over you—no disaster will touch you when I strike the land of Egypt.” Exodus 12:13 MSG
When King Josiah ruled in Israel he recognized the sinful practices that took place. The idols they worshipped he didn’t just banish them from their presence, he went so far as to burn them and bury the ashes in cemeteries outside the city. He also removed from their lives and city all mediums, psychics, and household gods. 2 Kings 23:21-25 When God reveals it’s time to get rid of something, be obedient, leave no trace of it.
Part Two: Can Evil Spirits Possess Objects? (Praying the blood of the lamb over your life and your home is to apply the blood.).
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