White As Snow Dream

This is my favorite dream in 2020. This dream beautifully illustrates what Christ is willing and waiting to do for each of us, no matter the depth of our sin.  It highlights the compassionate love of God and what Christ chose to do for me, for you. It’s a picture of the sin he took upon himself. 

White As Snow Dream

I was on a trolley with family at a festival similar to the German Christmas markets. I felt like we were in Heidelberg or Rothenberg, Germany. As we drove past a row of buildings, all of the signs were selling chocolate. I drew closer to read the names and  began seeing the word “Hershey.” “I know where they are from. That’s Hershey, Pennsylvania. We’re from Pennsylvania.”

We got off the trolley at the end of the road and started walking down a hill. There was a fork in the road. I  saw a village at the bottom of the hill on the right. 

We started heading down the hill and I said I needed to look at the map for a restroom. A father and son ran down the left side of the hill. There seemed to be an urgency to get there. I followed them. 

There were three stalls in the bathroom to our left. We couldn’t see who was in the stalls, but I seemed to know two were occupied by young girls. Karen was on the left and Kathy was on the right. There was an enormous amount of sewage leakage and Karen was crying out for help. I knew Kathy was on the right, also sitting in the filth, but I sensed she was sitting comfortably, not wanting assistance. When I asked if she wanted assistance she said she was okay. She was content.  

I opened the stall where Karen was and her arm was stuck under the toilet lid. When I lifted the lid I saw that her arm was stained from what had gushed up from the sewage. 

I wanted to take her outside and clean her arm off, but I couldn’t stomach it for fear I would throw up. The father stepped in and helped Karen.  

Kathy continued to sit in her feces-filled stall. The father told his son to use the left stall. When he came out, his feet and hands were covered in feces and he said, “you can go in and shower.”  

I looked where I would stand in the shower and the shower wasn’t draining. It was filling up with brown water and sewage. I told him if I took a shower my body would be clean but I would be standing in feces. He said, “yes.” I stepped into the shower and figured when I did, I would just run home.

When I got out of the shower the father handed me an extremely large, white wrap to cover up with. It wasn’t a towel, but not a blanket.  

When I opened the door to leave, it was like opening the door to the land of Oz. The scenery had changed from the lush green landscape to glistening white snow. 

 End of dream.

June 4, 2020


To understand the marvelous grace of God, you need to recognize you need his grace. The condition of our heart can be represented by one of the three girls in this dream. 

  • The road split left and right: Mankind has a decision to make. Will you choose the road to walk with Christ or not. Deuteronomy 28:14. 

  • Father/Son: They represent our Heavenly Father and the Son, Jesus Christ. The father was there for all sinners, no matter the sin, or how “deep” in sin one is. 

  • Bathroom: A place of cleansing and forgiveness.

    • Why would a father send their son into such filth? That’s exactly what Jesus did for each of us. Jesus became sin for all mankind (i.e.,  covered in “filth” and “sewage). “He himself bore our sins" on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness; "by his wounds, you have been healed." I Peter 2:24

  • Karen, Kathy, and me: Each individual represents the different condition of our heart and the sin in our life. Karen and Kathy are like the two thieves on the cross. One called out to Jesus to be saved, the other had no desire for deliverance. Luke 23:32-55

    • Karen acknowledged she was a sinner and desperately cried out to Jesus for help. Christ was there at the exact moment she needed rescuing. “A sinner saved by grace. Ephesians 2:8

    • Kathy was content, covered in her filth, unmoved, sitting comfortably in her sin. We showed up and offered to help her, yet she not only refused, but she had no desire to change her conditions. She had no need for Christ in her life. 

    • I represent the believer, one who is walking in a relationship with Christ. We are to “present ourselves as a living sacrifice” and if we are falling short, we seek a refreshing, renewing of his spirit in Christ. There may even be times we need to repent. He is always there, willing, and waiting.

  • Sewage: Filth and sin. “We are all infected [stained] and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind.” Isaiah 64:6 

I wanted to help Karen, but I was also disgusted and didn’t want to be bothered. How many times do I choose how to serve others for Christ. I must be honest and confess that many times I choose how I serve. 

The scene when Karen comes out of the stall portrays the Person who is always willing and waiting to clean us up. Christ. Nothing disgusts him, he is never inconvenienced, never bothered. 

In this scene, he wasn’t serving the Son before Karen and Kathy. He wasn’t questioning, nor did he pause at the sight of us. He assisted me, forgave, and without judgment, wrapped me in new clothes of righteousness. What love!

Even if I were to step in and serve Karen and Kathy with my whole heart, this dream also represents that I cannot cleanse them of their sins, only Christ can. “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 NIV

  • Shower: Our sin is like filthy rags, but when we let Christ take on our sin, our sins are washed away. 

    • The Father wrapped me in a “new garment.” He clothed me in righteousness. “I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God! For he has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness.” Isaiah 61:10

  • Snow: The landscape changed to snow. What a glorious picture of God’s forgiveness and redemption. “Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:7 

  • We move on (home); leaving everything behind. “We are all sinners saved by grace.” Ephesians 2:8-10

DO YOU KNOW JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOR?  If not, all you need to do is:  1) Believe and have faith that Jesus died for your sins and rose from the dead. 2) Ask Jesus to forgive your sins. 3) Believe that your sins are forgiven.  I encourage you to attend a local, Bible-believing church and connect with other believers.

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