God Speaks Through Numbers
“Look with wonder at the depth of the Father’s marvelous love that he has lavished on us! He has called us and made us his very own beloved children.”
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked, “how do you know when God is speaking to you?”
I think most of us have wondered if we heard God correctly. “Was it really God or just me?” We question if God is trying to convey a particular message to us personally. Many want him to speak and when he does and with amazing clarity, too often our human nature is to rationalize it away with “he doesn’t speak that way.” Don’t let the enemy put doubt in your mind.
God gave me a number…
I woke up from a dead sleep and before I began stirring in my bed, a four-digit number popped in my head. It was so clear, and because it came out of “nowhere,” I knew in my spirit the Lord was getting my attention. The number was so prominent that I couldn’t deny the Holy Spirit was conveying a message to me. Instead of questioning if it was God, I journaled it before I could forget it. I went back to sleep.
There are several posts where God has woken me up abruptly with a message or instruction that I had not been thinking of prior to going to bed, or ever for that matter. The words God often reveals suddenly upon waking up usually lead me to a specific dream, a past journal entry, an answer to prayer, or a need for direction in the present. Many times God’s message revealed indisputable miracles of his involvement in my life. They were so specific that it would be difficult to say I conjured something up, primarily because I had just been in a state of unconsciousness. Yet, too often Christians will say God doesn’t speak that way and dismiss it and worse, they begin rebuking the enemy.
Is God not the creator of heaven and earth; creator of all things? Since the beginning of time, he bestows man with the ingenuity to invent and create. Man never stops inventing because God never ceases to exist. Don’t abandon the voice of God because his ways seem unconventional.
If Jesus lives in your heart, you can be confident you will know his voice with certainty. God’s word says “his sheep know his voice.” I knew the number I heard was from the Lord.
The number was 1432.
I journaled it immediately because I knew if I failed to do so, I would wake up in the morning and forget it. I laid back down and as I repeated the number in my head, I began to question the number. I started thinking, “was it 1342?”
Those are the moments how to distinguish when the enemy is trying to get you to question the voice of the Lord. A word is so clear, there is peace, and suddenly, confusion. You begin to doubt. The enemy will always try to silence the voice of God.
I grabbed my cup of coffee in the morning and began reading my Bible and praying, I pondered the number 1432. I asked the Lord to reveal what it meant and what it was for. I knew I may not know what the number meant immediately, but I also wanted to see if there was something the Lord might reveal, therefore, I did what I do so often when in search of something. I went to my computer. What was before me was the most beautiful message I can ever imagine receiving from the Lord.
Simple and to the point I typed in, “What does 1432 mean?”
The first result from my search was: “About 56,000,000:”
“What Does 1432 Mean?
1432 means "I Love You Too". 1432 is formed by using the number of letters in each word and the "2" is a cyber term meaning "too" (I (1) love (4) you (3) too (2)). 1432 usually appears at the end of a conversation as a sign-off (normally in response to "I Love You". It is most typically used as a response to the term 143.
1432 is one of the many ways to say "I Love You Too" in text speak…” Cyber Definitions
WOW! A morning wake-up call from the Lord telling me he loves me. What love the Father has bestowed upon us. I John 3:1
Before this moment, I never knew there were cyber definitions and honestly, I didn’t know numbers had a meaning other than what few references there are in scripture, i.e., One (new, beginning); Two (unity, division, etc). Numbers in Dreams;
Why would I want to question away the thought of God’s love? The Holy Spirit was filling me with the wonder of his being and who he is to me as his beloved daughter. The devil would never want me to think about how much my heavenly Father loves me. It was evident the number God wanted me to know was directly from him was 1432. 1342 was a distraction.
Arthur W. Pink articulates the love of God beautifully:
“Nothing so warms the heart of the saint as a spiritual contemplation of God’s love. As he is occupied with it, he is lifted outside of and above his wretched self. A believing apprehension fills the renewed soul with holy satisfaction, and makes him as happy as it is possible for one to be this side of heaven. To know and believe the love which God has toward me is both an earnest and a foretaste of heaven itself…Because He loves them in Christ, the Father loves them as Christ. The time will come when His prayer will be answered, “that the world may know that thou hast sent Me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved Me” (Joh 17:23). Only faith can grasp those marvelous things, for neither reasoning nor feelings can do so. God loves us in Christ. What infinite delight[…]”
“God loves us in Christ, and has done so from everlasting, that the gifts of His love are irrevocable. They are the bestowal of “the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” The love of God indeed makes a change in us when it is “shed abroad in our hearts,” “The Attributes of God.” “The Attributes of God.”
I want to love God with my whole being. I want to bask in his love so that I can love as he loves. The only way to do so is to know the depth of his love.
God loves you too!
Thumbnail photo by Ian Kirkland on Unsplash