Teresa Odden

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Dream of Destruction

This was a dream I titled Dream of Destruction. It was alarming, disturbing, heavy, and I knew I had to go to the Lord for understanding. I want to fear no man, but I do want to fear the Lord for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 9:10. When God speaks, he provides guidance how to see things through his eyes. Dreams are often direction on how to pray and intercede on behalf of others, including to pray for our communities and the nations. We can see God’s character in our dreams and his character is always rooted in love, mercy, and kindness. When your dream is alarming, pray until you see a message through his eyes and have peace. If you wake up from a dream with fear, fear of man, you are more than likely focusing on the eyes of the enemy. He wants us to walk in fear. God doesn’t promise a life free of suffering, but he does promise to be with us during difficult times. Pray until you are seeing things God’s way. We can walk confidently and peacefully through difficult times when we put our trust in God Almighty. Trust in him and him alone. Stay in the Word and ask God to show you scripture so that you can see your dream His way.


Upon waking up I was so shaken up I was unable to speak the dream into my recording. As I tried to get words to come out, everything was jumbled. I could feel the intensity of the situation more than I could see it, yet I was unable to articulate it. I came out to the living room and tried to tell Rick but nothing would come out. sat on the chair and I was able to say “A threat is coming.” My mind was jumbled as the scene played through my mind, yet nothing made sense. All I could speak out was what I was feeling in my spirit. “There is a disaster coming; a threat is coming.” “I don’t know exactly what I’m seeing, nor do I understand it.“ I simply could not get it out, but my mind was reeling, I was trying to slow my brain down, pause, to get out what I knew was from the Lord. I paused. There was a boat, but we were on land. A ship is coming towards me and I throw something out to them. I see this island like they need to be rescued. I wonder if I’m the one on the island. I don’t remember. Again, I see it, I don’t know what I see. It’s as though the Lord doesn’t want me to put the pieces of the puzzle together.  The feel the gravity of the situation, yet I don’t know what the situation is. I throw something out and it gets crushed. “It destroys the person who is trying to pull me in. I just feel this is a warning; a warning of what I’m supposed to do moving forward. “Destruction” is all that comes to my mind.


I pray and ask the Lord to help me piece it together. I keep pausing, trying to empty my mind, but nothing other than a sense of chaos is ensuing. I can’t put the dream together. Everything seems so chaotic, disconnected. All I ended with was “Disaster is coming. It’s coming. It’s coming.” I look at Rick and I say “Destruction is coming. Disaster is coming. It’s coming. It’s coming.” End of dream.

 I can’t even describe the heaviness I felt for this unknown situation. It was the summer of 2021 and the morning I woke up from the dream, Rick and I were preparing to depart for South Africa and Zimbabwe the following day. Some states were still in the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many countries were still not allowing visitors in. We actually chose South Africa and Zimbabwe as destinations because they allowed unvaccinated visitors into their country. Many in the world were still fearing travel. In fact, we were two of four people walking along the path of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. It was the best of times to travel.

What came to pass in the coming days and months after my dreams were as follows:


First, I felt the dream may have represented what took place six days after my dream when the United States government withdrew their troops in Afghanistan. They withdrew August 16, 2021 and the Taliban took control of Kabul and Afghanistan cities. Chaos not only increased, but it erupted, with thousands of Afghans, Americans, and Nato forces and others trying to evacuate. Planes were halted (the line thrown out in the dream), people were killed, and the news reported that nobody was coming to their rescue. On August 26, 2021 a suicide bomber killed 13 US marines. What was left behind from the Biden Administration could still impose destruction not only to those who remain in Afghanistan, but also by what they are able to plan abroad from within their country now that their military threats have been lifted. It was chaos and disaster and the Taliban immediately took over.


August 31, 2021 The last plane left with 100,000 lives and Biden officially called an end to the war. The last military plane and soldier departed, leaving hundreds of Americans in the hands of the Taliban. From that day until today, the Taliban continues to control the country, with $84 billion worth of US military equipment left in their hands. The world has changed and they are an enormous threat to the world. Below are news articles highlighting these facts.

Is more coming? Is disaster coming. “It’s coming.”

Second Disaster - HURRICANE IAN

Rick and I live in Fort Myers, FL. The dream symbolically highlights the hurricane and the waters and the need to be rescued. Thankfully, the Lord did protect us as we ended up being in Mexico during the hurricane. Hurricane Ian was a category 4 hurricane, hit landfall the following month after my dream - September 28, 2022. The eye of the storm hit Fort Myers Beach and was devastating to the beach area and to the region. Governor DeSantis of Florida advised that those in the Tampa evacuate, however, suddenly Hurricane Ian slowed down, and hovered over Fort Myers, FL for several hours, and caused deadly and wide-spread destruction across our area. It was the third costliest disaster of its kind worldwide. I believe this warning from the Lord of “destruction” and “disaster” that took place in Afghanistan and Hurricane Ian pertain to my dream of 2021. All of the destruction and disaster could have come to pass from what the Lord highlighted on that morning in 2021, but in some ways, I feel it was just the beginning. Hurricane Ians Path of Destruction: https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/news/hurricane-ians-path-of-destruction

I praise the Lord for keeping us safe in Mexico during Ian and thankful that those we love in our city were safe. Many lost homes and had devastating damage from Ian. What I can say is no matter the damage, God is in control and no mater the destruction, we can trust in him and rely on him - always. We serve a good good God and he promises to never leave us nor forsake us, no matter the situation.

Five years ago I asked the Lord what is home and his response to me was “Home is where I am.” Make the Lord your permanent residence and you will walk in peace, no matter what difficulties you are walking in today. I pray you feel is peace this day.


July 2, 2021 – U.S. Relinquishes Control of Bagram Air Base

The U.S. handed over control of the Bagram Air Base to the Afghan military. The airfield served as the center for American forces in Afghanistan for two decades.

August 14, 2021 – Biden Sends Additional Troops to Help Evacuation and Withdrawal Efforts

To ensure an “orderly and safe drawdown,” President Biden authorized an additional 1,000 troops to help evacuate American and allied personnel from Afghanistan. The troops will also help pullout Afghans who worked with the military throughout the war.

August 16, 2021 – Kabul Falls to Taliban for a Second Time

Taliban militants overwhelm Afghanistan's cities within the matter of days. The Afghan government collapses, with the President of Afghanistan ceding power to the militants on August 16. Kabul International Airport became a scene of chaos as people become desperate to flee Taliban rule.

The Panjshir Valley becomes the sole area not under Taliban rule in Afghanistan. Opposition leaders were seen gathering there in videos, including a top official from the previous government and the son of a slain rebel leader.

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