The Lion Dream
“I will come like a lion from the thickets of the Jordan, leaping on the sheep in the pasture ... For who is like me, and who can challenge me? What ruler can oppose my will?
This is one of my favorite dreams and I’ve heard the same from others. This dream has a message for all. It's an excerpt from Beautiful Dreamer: Dreams – God’s Personal Navigation System
Lion Dream
I was with a group of friends, and I was excited because I had a Lion that was in a box, and he was about to be birthed. I knew that he was my lion. “He is mine,” I kept saying as we stood in front of the “birthing box,” waiting for the big moment of his birth. I could see more and more of his head, and I got really excited. I knew it wouldn’t be long. During my excitement, my friends kept shouting, “You can’t have a lion. He isn’t tamed; he will hurt you.”
“No, he won’t hurt me; he is my lion, and he will never harm me,” I kept saying. My feelings and emotions in the dream were peace and a certainty that my lion would never harm me.
Another person shouted, “If you keep him, you will only be able to have him a year or two at the most because he will turn violent.” I knew I would have him forever, and I continued to ignore them.
He was finally birthed, and immediately I held him and began cuddling him. He was resting his head on my shoulder. While cuddling him, I had a vision within my dream that he grew into this beautiful lion with a large mane. He was roaring with his mouth wide open, jumping, facing me. I feel his heartbeat. I had no fear in my dream. I knew we were playing. He looked at me, and I could see the lion that I’ve seen in movies. He was strong, beautiful, and playful.
End of dream - February 5, 2012
The Significance of Lion Dream
I woke up smiling, and I couldn’t wait to sit in God's presence and take in His beauty. One of the first references I read that morning was how the Lord of the universe cannot be controlled by human hands.
I was thrilled at the visual I had seen. It was another “movie trailer” with bright and beautiful colors. Instantly I knew the lion represented Christ. It was a beautiful image of God interacting with me. The dream was brief, but the lessons are numerous.
Jesus is the Lion of Judah, King, Ruler (Revelation 5:5); He cannot be controlled by human hands, yet doubters were trying to do just that. They wanted to keep Him restrained and in a box. As I waited with anticipation, I saw the hope of being with Jesus/Lion up close and personal, not just within arm’s reach. The crowd did not see what I saw.
During labor and delivery, when the head of my boys was visible, the doctor would say that the baby was “crowning” - labor and delivery are imminent. It will be hard but the rewards will be great. In the dream, “crowning” confirmed my Lion was Christ.
What we do see is Jesus, who was given a position “a little lower than the angels”; and because he suffered death for us, he is now crowned with glory and honor. (Hebrews 2:9, NLT)
When the lion was “crowning,” my friends continued shouting and putting limits on God. We, as Christians, are excited when we are made new creatures at the time of salvation. We are excited about our new faith in God, but soon after the passion disappears we no longer take God everywhere we go. We lose the joy that is found in Him. God was reminding me to keep Him close.
I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take away your crown. (Revelation 3:11, NLT)
Once the Lion was birthed, He comforted me. I took hold of Him and didn’t want to let Him go. He reminded me to keep Him close., feel His breath, “hear His heartbeat.”
With the shouts of the crowd, God was once again reminding me to stand firm and dismiss the negativity. I had no doubt my Lion was Jesus and that He would be with me forever, not just for a limited time.
The vision in my dream represented me seeing what others could not – an increase in discernment.
I am your servant; give me discernment that I may understand your statutes. (Psalm 119:125, NIV)
Then you will show discernment, and your lips will express what you’ve learned. (Proverbs 5:2, NLT)
The vision I had within the dream is to keep dreaming big, “For with God nothing is impossible” (Luke 1:37, KJV). God wants me to keep looking at His goodness, and fullness of joy is found in Him (Psalm 16:11, English Standard Version, ESV). I was standing alone. His head on my shoulder not only revealed His comfort, but His loving and protective nature. The vision revealed not only that He is strong and bold but also the joy that is found in Him (“crowned with everlasting joy,” Isaiah 35:10, NLT).
He was roaring with his mouth wide open (power, strength is in Him). I was to keep Him by my side as His perfect love casts out all fear (I John 4:18, KJV). As He grew more ferocious, I saw Him as my protector, not a threat. God is all things at all times.
My friend provided additional interpretation: “The birth of the lion represented the ministry God wanted to ’birth’ in me. It will be very powerful, and it will not be easy. It will be controversial with some, and they will try to discourage you. This ministry will be a joy to you ... near and dear to your heart. You will not fear ... but it will be big and powerful ... your ministry. Now you are enjoying a time of rejuvenation in Him, spending time feeling His love and gentleness. But, He will become a powerful force in your life. You will know Him, and He will be bigger than life to you. New boldness in you,” she said.
Psalm 92 reveals God’s awesome power over the earth. He is to be feared; He is mighty and powerful. He is all these things, but He is also fun and joyous. God’s Word is full of verses that represent His joyful nature. One of the gifts of the Spirit is joy. With joy comes playfulness, fun, and laughter. I know many times God laughs at me and my idiosyncrasies. I have smiled and even said, “God must be looking down and laughing at me right now.” Thankfully God is the one who continually stands in my corner, smiling and cheering me on.
It was easy for me to ignore the new ministry God wanted to “birth” in me for all the reasons outlined in I Samuel. Saul was one who didn’t reach His full potential. I do not want to be a Saul. There have been many times I’ve operated by my own planning and thinking without seeking God for direction. God in His graciousness was giving me another chance to become the person He created me to be.
God is to be enjoyed!
God, mark us with grace and blessing! Smile! The whole country will see how you work, all the godless nations see how you save. God! Let people thank and enjoy you. Let all people thank and enjoy you. Let all far-flung people become happy and shout their happiness because You judge them fair and square, you tend the far-flung peoples. God! Let people thank and enjoy you. Let all people thank and enjoy you. Earth, display your exuberance! You mark us with blessing, O God, our God. You mark us with blessing, O God. Earth’s four corners—honor him! Psalm 67 (MSG)
In the coming months, I will share how this prophetic dream has unfolded over the last five years. At the time of this dream, I had no idea what “big” and ministry looked like. This is a beautiful and continual promise to know God is always by my side. I can move forward with confidence, boldness, and strength.
A box in a dream can also represent a cage. A cage can be symbolic for a stronghold in ones life. As with any interpretation, when a symbol is replaced with a spiritual message, one must look at the theme of the dream. What’s the key takeaway? What are your emotions in the dream? Pleasant, sad, fearful, condemnation?